How to prepare a data file for students in your organisation

This information is about file preparation for importing details of students studying in your organisation.

Click here if you want to import files for students or groups who will be taking a placement test.

In your file, the column headings, and the order of them, MUST be exactly as follows:

  • In your file, the column headings, and the order of them, MUST be exactly as follows:

    Student ID

    Class name

    Last name

    First name


    User name


    Date of birth

    First language


  • Your file MUST contain the first 10 column headings.
  • You MUST enter data in all cells in the following columns: Student ID, Last name, First name and Email.
  • User names and passwords can be automatically generated by the system.
  • You MUST save your spreadsheet as either:
    • an Excel file (*.xls)
    • a comma separated file (*.csv)
    • a Unicode (*.txt)
  • We recommend that you use the template provided. Make sure you remove the sample data first.
  • Any *.xls, *.csv or *.txt file you import will be checked by the system when you import it. Errors will be highlighted. They must be corrected in your file before the import will be allowed.
  • Please note that spaces before or after the data in your spreadsheet will stop your file from importing. These symbols cannot be imported and should not be included in your file: &, < or >.

Column headings



Student ID

Mandatory – must be entered in each row in your file.
This can be anything (00123, 00124, psmith, ps12, etc.), but must be unique for each user.


Class name

Optional – you do not need to include this information.
Note: If you do not have or do not want to include class names, leave cells blank. DO NOT delete the column heading or the column.

As part of the import process you will be able to choose to:

  1. Import students, keeping them in the class(es) named here. If you have not already created the classes in your file, the classes will be created automatically.
  2. Import all students in the file into one class that has been named or already exists in Manage classes.
  3. Put all students into the Manage students (not placement list, but not into specific classes. You should then put them into classes within in Manage classes under the Admin tab.


Last name

Mandatory – must be entered in each row in your file.


First name

Mandatory – must be entered in each row in your file.



Mandatory – must be entered in each row in your file.
This must be given in a correct email address format, e.g.


User name

Optional - It is usually the first letter of the first name + last name.
If you have not entered these in your file, they can be automatically generated as part of the import process.
Note: This must be unique for each user.
Note: If you do not have or do not want to include your own user names, leave cells blank. DO NOT delete the column heading or the column.



Optional - You can enter your own student passwords here, or leave this column blank and ask the system to generate them automatically. Password recognition is case-sensitive, but passwords can be repeated.
Note: If you do not want to include passwords, leave cells blank. DO NOT delete the column heading or the column.
Note: If you do not have or do not want to include passwords, leave cells blank. DO NOT delete the column heading or the column.


Date of birth

Optional - Enter as date/month/year, e.g. 30/12/01 (= 30th December2001)
Note: If you do not know or do not want to include date of birth, leave cells blank. DO NOT delete the column heading or the column.


First language

Optional - e.g. French, Spanish.
Note: If you do not know or do not want to include the first language, leave cells blank. DO NOT delete the column heading or the column.



Optional - Enter M (male) or F (female). Note If you do not want to include gender, leave cells blank. DO NOT delete the column heading or the column.


(Organisation defined field)

Additional, optional columns. If you want to record any extra information, you can set this up in the OLMS.

First define/name up to 4 extra registration fields in Define organisation fields via Manage organisation settings.

Any extra fields you create and set will automatically display in the template which you can use to prepare your data.